I might already be tipping my had a little, but I’ll give a brief overview of the events of the first two episodes before I get into my feelings on them. Instead, it’s the mash-up of timelines, realities and fantasies from the franchise turned from brief, contextless clips into a series of eight minutes episodes that fill this action out with some “plot”. This new series, called Super Dragon Ball Heroes, just to be clear, was never intending to be a full length series. So, when the announcement that Dragon Ball Heroes was getting an actual promotional anime, everyone’s interest was piqued, mine included. It was like looking at a young fan’s toybox being turned into well animated snippets. The card based video game had these little trailers associated with them, ones that seemed to become more and more outlandish and fantastical from a fan’s point of view. Eventually, down the line I realised they were trailers for a Japanese arcade game that was skyrocketing in popularity: Dragon Ball Heroes. They seemed like these wondrous pieces of fan fiction turned into real art and animation for Dragon Ball.

There was often little to no context to them. The Grand Minister senses Zamasu's death and is disturbed, as Hearts proclaims himself to be "the Godslayer.For a long time, as a western Dragon Ball fan, I’d see these videos pop on on Youtube. With his new power, he easily immobilizes Zamasu, and then obliterates him completely after stating that his goal is to destroy all the gods. Goku, Jiren and Hit are about to attack Zamasu again, when Hearts suddenly emerges from his crystal construct, having assimilated the Universe Seed into his body and absorbed its power for himself. Goku is losing too, but Jiren and Hit arrive to rescue him and join the fight, having been sent by the Kaioshins of their respective universes to deal with Hearts and his allies. Zamasu quickly incapacitates Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo and 17, leaving Goku as the only one left standing. Trunks questions why Zamasu would work with a mortal like Hearts, but Zamasu explains that he is only working with Hearts in order to defeat the Omni-King, after which he still intends to destroy all mortals. Vegeta and the others try to attack Hearts while he is absorbing the Universe Seed, but Zamasu intervenes and deflects their attacks.